Sermon - 1 Epiphany
In the Name... Before performing a baptism, the priest approached the young father and said solemnly, "Baptism is a serious step. Are...
Sermon - 1 Epiphany
Sermon - 17 Pentecost
Sermon - 2 Pentecost
Sermon - Baptism of Our Lord
Sermon - Holy Family
Sermon - Christ the King
Sermon - 25 Pentecost
Sermon - All Saints' Sunday
Sermon - 23 Pentecost
Sermon - 16 Pentecost
Sermon - 15 Pentecost
Sermon - 11 Pentecost
Sermon - 9 Pentecost
Sermon - 8 Pentecost
Sermon - 6 Pentecost
Sermon - 5 Pentecost
Sermon - 4 Pentecost
Sermon - 3 Pentecost
Sermon - 2 Pentecost
Sermon - Trinity Sunday